Motivational Monday 09.25.23

I know this post is getting published later in the day than it has been the past few weeks, along with my normal Sunday post getting posted later today. I spent yesterday doing a day trip to Dallas with my mom and ended the day fighting one of the worst migraines I’ve had in years. However, I’m not letting these road blocks yesterday stop me from sharing one of my favorite weekly posts. I’m having so much fun reading all these motivational quotes and picking out a different one each week. There’s actually a few quotes that I have picked out for future weeks because of the timing for them.

This week is *fingers crossed* a normal week for me. Nothing too exciting planned, but starting this weekend, our city is having our annual arts & music festival. I already have so many trips planned for it, starting with running their annual 5K this Saturday and ending with our church having their services there on the last day of the festival. I’m really just trying to take it easy these next few weeks before we start the chaos of the holiday season, both with work and sharing all the holiday things on here and Instagram.

Here’s this week’s Motivational Monday quote:

“Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up.” —Isabelle Lafleche

Wow, when I read this quote, it hit me square in the face. I’m always worried how people will react to things and sometimes scared of how people will think of me. When I first came back to Louisiana in 2020, I never told any of my coworkers about this page. I didn’t want them to see what I was sharing and judge me the way that I feel like everyone judges people when they say they are or want to be an Influencer. I feel like there’s some negative feelings towards those that want to be an Influencer, that it scared me to be judged by those close to me. It could be because I felt like some people did that when I was in NYC. However, over the years I learned that if those close to you won’t support you in your dreams and hobbies, then they really aren’t the people you want to be around, even if it hurts to cut them out of your life.

I have found so much more passion for this page than I ever thought possible and have so many different ideas that I want to bring to life. This has challenged me and made me grow in more areas than just taking a cute picture to share. I’ve learned (and am still learning) in editing pictures and videos, graphic design through Canva, writing, connecting with people through what I share, filming, a new love for outfits, and even tuning in on my personal style. I’ve also discovered a passion in creating outfit inspirations – such as all the Eras Tour outfits I created, finding similar outfits to what the royals are wearing or have worn at a more affordable price point, and Disney Parks outfits/Modern Disney Princess series. I can’t wait to see where this page continues to take me, hopefully with more travels. I now have so much support from those in my close inner circle, that I’m not as scared to share it with people, especially because of how much I love this page and how it’s helped grow my self confidence.

Getting the courage to pursue your passion isn’t something that can happen overnight, and the hardest part is getting started. But trust me, once you find your passion and make the first move to get started, you’re going to start seeing a difference in your life. It could be something as simple as just being happier each day because you’re doing something you love, or it can be something even more, like it helping your mental health. Whenever I find myself feeling anxious or stressed, I put everything to the side and focus on what makes me happy – reading, working on this page, or even doing a crafty project.

What is something you’re passionate about? Let’s chat about it below.

*picture in the graphic from Pinterest.

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