Motivation Monday 10.08.23

Happy Monday y’all! I know I shouldn’t be living for the weekend, but I have so many exciting things planned for this weekend that I just can’t wait for. We are going down to Baton Rouge for the first time in about six months. It’s crazy how a place I used to go to all the time for holidays and such is now a place I try to go to whenever I can get a chance. I’m also excited to see my best friend before our girls trip next month. I was just telling one of my take out girls how hard it is that my best friends all live in other cities and how much we have to plan to see each other. It’s just so exciting to look forward to something exciting instead of working until my day off, where all I do is clean the house or catch up on other things that slipped by during the week.

Here’s this weeks motivation quote:

“Don’t compare yourself to others. Be like the sun and the moon and shine when it’s your time.” ―Unknown

This is such an important quote. Like I honestly might turn this into a graphic for a daily reminder to share on stories for myself and whoever else needs to hear it. In the age of social media, it’s so easy to compare yourself to other people. You see friends and old classmates get married, have kids, or even just become successful in their careers. Constantly absorbing yourself in what they want you to see on social media can be detrimental to your mental health.

I especially find myself constantly trying to compare myself to other bloggers and influencers to figure out what they’re doing that I’m not to get the growth they have. Coming to the conclusion that they have just been more consistent than I have and really jumped on trends faster than me is the reason for their success. Leaning more into following the trends has not only helped me grow a little as a content creator, but has also helped me find the niche that I’ve been looking for in video format. I’ve been having a lot more fun creating content the past few months, and really the past few weeks with the wearing vs styling videos. I also know that the people I was comparing myself to are able to spend more time on their platforms than I can. Not many people work 48 hour weeks and work at a job that doesn’t really allow much down time where they can be on a computer working on graphics or blog post, like with my job at the restaurant.

Realizing all of this has helped me mentally as well. Using other creators not as comparison, but as inspiration to pull from has pulled me out of a few funks I’ve fallen into in the past year. I’m really happy with where I am in this chapter of my life, not just as a blogger and content creator, but also in my every day life. I have fun trips planned with my boyfriend and my friends, I’m about to hit a year of owning my house and finally starting to do some changes that I wanted to make to it, and I have some exciting things planned for the next year. Now I find myself looking at pictures that people share of their weddings or with their children and I know that I’m not meant to be in that chapter of my life yet, but will be one day. For now I’m just living my life to the best that I can and getting as much out of it as I can before adding more to it.

Hope y’all have a great Monday and week and remember that you’re time to shine is coming when you least expect it!

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