Motivation Monday 10.02.23

Happy Spooky Season to those who celebrate! The only plans I have to celebrate this month is a line up of witch themed romance books and thrillers to read. I also plan to watch all my favorite Disney halloween movies and maybe throw in a few other Halloween themed movies to get into the spirit.

I’m starting off the second day off this month, but also the start of the first full week of the month, volunteering with my church to pass out goodie bags to teachers at our local arts and music festival that just started over the weekend. I’m so excited for the chance to volunteer and actually having the time to do it. I miss the chance to be active in the community and want to figure out a way to get more involved in groups and organizations. The reason I’m bringing it up is because it kind of ties into the quote I’m sharing for this weeks Motivation Monday.

Here is the quote:

“If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.” ―Buddha

This is such an important life quote. I mentioned in last week’s post about how important it is to surround yourself with people who will support you and not put you down. Sometimes this means that you need to distance yourself from people you used to be really close to, even if it hurts, because they don’t support your goals and dreams. You’ll never be able to hit the goals you want to hit without a support group behind you to cheer you on and help you out when you need it. There are some people in your life that are only meant to be in your life for a certain part of it, but not for all of it. I’ve learned this the hard way. In the moment it hurts, but in the end you begin to realize that it needed to happen.

Getting rid of things that weigh you down doesn’t always mean cutting off or distancing yourself from people. It could be cutting out bad habits, changing jobs, changing routines, etc. I’m working on removing my bad habit of laying around and not doing anything, when I have a million things to do. So I’m trying to change that bad habit or “giving it up” because it’s weighing me down from being productive not just day to day, but it’s mentally holding me back from continuing to grow and nurture this blog. I know it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but I want to continue to create this page and space. The first thing I’ve done to try to change this habit is having a weekly notepad and writing down a to do list of what I want to get done that day so it’s not as overwhelming. Am I going to be perfect with it at first? No, I still want to be realistic with it. I know that I’m still going to mentally prevent myself from doing everything I want and need to do, but it’s something that I’m working on every day.

What are some things that you feel like are holding you back that you can get rid of/change?

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