Motivation Monday 09.18.23

Another Monday, another reset. This week is different for me and I’m trying to reconfigure how to get my refresh cleaning in. I have to work today to cover for the General Manager while they’re at another restaurant for the next few days. This means that I won’t get my refresh cleaning in on Monday or get a chance to do some batch filming, but we’ll make it work. I’m also planning to do my first run training before an all day shift at the restaurant. I normally try to not run when I know I’m going to be at the restaurant all day, but I didn’t get a chance to run last week and my mental health is definitely taking a hit. I’m hoping a nice and easy run, especially now that the weather has cooled, will help clear my mind and hopefully lower my anxiety levels as they have been unfortunately high the past few weeks.

I decided to do a fun motivation quote that is created specifically for Mondays and this one is just such a fun one.

“When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.” —Ella Woodword

I try to maintain a positive attitude no matter what life throws at me, but sometimes it’s hard. Dealing with my anxiety right now is causing me to want to stay in the private bubble of my house and never leave it, until I feel like I can handle normal situations again. So having to work all day on what is normally my day off is hard, but I’m going to make the most of it and be the positive leader that I always try to show at work.

Mondays are hard for anyone because you feel like you were just at work and you didn’t really get a day off. Trust me, I know this too well, in fact my boyfriend and I were just talking about it the other night how we feel like we never have a day off to just relax and do nothing all day. Your to-do list never seems to get shorter or completed and work on Monday morning just ruins the groove you get into with household chores or plans. However, over the years I have learned that while it’s hard to bring up people’s attitudes, it’s really easy to bring it down to your negative attitude. While you may not be able to change everyone’s attitude, finding the positive in every situation makes you sparkle among the crowd and people do take notice of it. I’ve had bad days at work and I’ve been really frustrated and angry, but one of the cooks that I have worked with longest has told me multiple times how it’s amazing how he’s never seen me full on angry and lashing out. Him saying that has really stuck with me to try to keep that level of sparkle all the time.

Y’all have a glittery and sparkly Monday and rest of the week!

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